Volunteer Spotlight: Kara Goodwin

Kara Goodwin is the mother of Hayden (11) and Layla (8). After years of working in the corporate world, she became a full-time mom and her family moved to Bologna, Italy. Recently, they transitioned to life back in the US and Kara is currently a meditation teacher and co-host of a podcast called “The Meditation Conversation” with a friend from Sweden.

Kara Goodwin

Kara Goodwin

How did you hear about The Patachou Foundation?I heard about The Patachou Foundation from seeing some written material about it while eating at Café Patachou. It caught my attention because I have a deep interest in holistic health and the role of nutrition in our wellness. I was touched to see Patachou taking a larger role in this arena to provide nutritious food to children in local areas with great need, and I knew I wanted to be involved.

What do you love most volunteering with The Patachou Foundation?My favorite thing about volunteering is the developing relationship with the children and school staff members. I love seeing how proud the coach is of her athletes and hearing them tell me about how their last game went. I love when the tutoring teacher gushes about how smart her students are while they pretend not to notice what she is saying. I also love the generosity of the kids who want to help out. And, of course, I love seeing every smiling face as they ask if they can have seconds (or thirds)!

Do you have a favorite memory or story from serving scratch-made meals to kids?My favorite memory might not be a great story, but there is a little girl who I see most of the time when I volunteer. One day, instead of sitting down she came and stood in front of me. I said hello and was trying to anticipate what she might need, and she gave me a shy little wave and then went to sit down. I realized that she is very shy but recognized me and just wanted to say hi in her timid but outward way. It was a little thing, but I found it very sweet and even courageous considering her timidness.

Want to join Kara on our team of volunteers? Apply today!