TPF Ambassador: Madelyn Filer

We'd like to introduce you to our first-ever Ambassadors for The Patachou Foundation, an incredible group of people who have committed to share our mission and have a collective fundraising goal of $70,000 in one year to help feed hungry kids in Indianapolis. We hope you enjoy getting to know each of them through this series.Madelyn is a freshman at Guerin Catholic trying to make a difference in people's lives. She enjoys volunteering at The Patachou Foundation, playing tennis, and spending time with family and friends.Mad_FilerWhy did you decide to become an Ambassador for The Patachou Foundation?When I first heard about The Patachou Foundation, I immediately thought how can I help? I love that this foundation works hard to create connections with the students while also teaching them about healthy eating habits. The Patachou Foundation not only brings nutritious meals to schools but also creates connections with the students while serving them meals. TPF holds classes to educate students about eating healthy and how to prepare healthy foods. For example, one time I volunteered at Tindley Renaissance School, many kids came back from the TPF cooking class excited to share their guacamole. They were so excited and they never stopped smiling. I knew from that moment that this is a special Foundation that I wanted to be a part of. I knew that being an Ambassador was going to be a lot of work but these children deserve nutritious meals and people that care about them. I want to help others, make connections with these students, and help these students learn in a fun and welcoming environment.How did you first hear about The Patachou Foundation?Jennifer Magley, my tennis coach and fellow Ambassador, was talking about how Indianapolis is ranked the worst in the nation for access to fresh foods. She talked about how The Patachou Foundation works to solve these issues and help teach food-insecure school-children healthy eating habits. She then went on to talk about how this foundation is starting an ambassador program and she is one of the ambassadors. She talked about what the program was and how she had to raise $7,000.00. I offered to help in any way possible. She then went on to say, "How about you become an ambassador if you want to." I was so excited and immediately said yes! Once Matthew Feltrop approved me I was officially a TPF ambassador. That was the first time I heard about The Patachou Foundation and the time I became an ambassador.What about The Patachou Foundation's mission connects with you? To feed wholesome meals to food-insecure school-children in our community and teach them to create healthy habits. This is the TPF mission statement. When I hear The Patachou Foundation's mission, I immediately think, why is this an issue. No child should have food insecurity and not understand the basic healthy eating habits. When I come back to reality and realize that there are children that face issues like food-insecurity and don't know how to stay healthy I feel that we need to put a stop to it. This is why I am apart of The Patachou Foundation. I believe that no child or person should have to go through this and since they do, we need to put a stop to it. That is exactly what The Patachou Foundation is trying to do and that is how the TPF mission statement speaks to me.MadelynDo you have any stories to share about your time as an Ambassador so far?As an ambassador, I create many memories that I will never lose. Whether it is during volunteering, asking for donations, or hosting an event, memories are being made. For example, while I was volunteering just after Christmas, I remember all of the students were ready to tell me everything they got for Christmas. They all got amazing gifts including Xbox, unicorn stuff, Spiderman toys, the new Spiderman movie, and so much more. They were all so excited to share everything they got and weren't afraid to spoil some of the movies they got. Another example of a memory I have made is at an event I hosted to fundraise for this foundation. It was hosted at Evereve (a women's boutique). I was hosting an event where when someone would buy clothes 15% of the profits would go to my foundation. At this event, I was honored to be with all of my friends while they came to support a wonderful cause. I loved being able to explain what we do at TPF and help them realize what the money raised will go towards. I also loved hearing the response, "I love this, how can I become a part of this and volunteer." or "Can my kids come and volunteer as well?" This made me realize even more how much people want to help children with food insecurity.What is your favorite family tradition involving food?Thanksgiving is my favorite family tradition with food because I love all of the traditions within it. I love helping my grandma cook and decorate, I love going and playing tennis with my dad, dressing up with my mom and sister, and putting up Christmas lights with my grandpa. I also love coming together before dinner and saying what we are grateful for and then having family conversations during dinner. The food is also amazing because it tastes really good and brings the family together. Overall, my favorite family tradition with food is Thanksgiving.What was your favorite snack as a child?As a child, my favorite snack was definitely and is still applesauce. I love the texture and how it tastes. Now, I normally eat GoGo Squeeze applesauce and I love how there are so many different flavors to choose from. Overall, my favorite snack as a child would have to be applesauce.Anything else you'd like to share?I am honored to be a part of The Patachou Foundation's Ambassador Program and hope to continue to be involved with this wonderful foundation for years to come.