Make an investment in the work of The Patachou Foundation.
Every week, your support helps The Patachou Foundation serve over 400 meals to kids living in areas of Indianapolis that have little access to healthy food options. That reality coupled with an 86% poverty rate in the schools where we have a presence make hunger a real problem, right in our backyard.
One of the students, Tron, recently described the work you help make possible as "just stunning" (read his letter below).
Almost unbelievably, these wholesome meals that use high quality ingredients cost The Patachou Foundation just $2. And we know it is making an impact, as Tron said, because some of his friends "are hungry when they get home and lunch and breakfast (provided by the school) is all they eat."
Today is #GivingTuesday, a global day to give back. The Patachou Foundation has a goal of 50 new monthly donors in this season to help expand our ability to serve.
Please consider making a commitment today to be a monthly sponsor of a few meals. Any amount $6, $10, or even $50 a month will be a huge help to grow your impact in our community. Online gifts are easy, and secure through paypal. Click here to sign up.
Of course, you are always welcome to make a one-time donation to support this work in your community as well.
Please forward this email along to family, co-workers and friends that might be interested in making an investment that will positively impact their community.
You will receive two more emails today reminding you of this goal and to report on our progress to 50!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at matthew@thepatachoufoundation.org.